Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Galaxy of Heroes

There is a newish mobile game for Star Wars™ fans called “Star Wars™ Galaxy of Heroes

Tag: Star Wars Video Games

I have become obsessed with Galaxy of Heroes. You can download this fabulous game on the google play store for your android phone. In this game, you advance through many levels as you play different battles. You gain XP (Experience Points) through upgrading your characters and playing light and dark side battle arena games.


Screenshot: Path to the Force This is from my personal gameplay. At this point, I was on Level 34 and had 36 crystals. Things have changed since then.


Screenshot Path to the Force. The XP here is at 8. The more you gather of the XP for example, the more it feeds your level meter. Enough XP takes you into the next level.


As you gain level advancement through XP you will also notice other areas of the arena open, such as Challenges, Cantina Challenges and the shard store to name a few. The shard shop won’t open until you have earned a seven-star character.



Here you can see the Squad Cantina Battles as well as Challenges. Screenshot by: Path to the Force


There are many characters from Star Wars available through shard upgrades or you can barrow them if you like during your game play for more power towards your squad. There are so many things to do, it is exciting as well as a little confusing at first. However, I found that part entertaining, too, for I had fun figuring out how to get the most out of my characters and how to upgrade them for more power as I went about the game.

One of the characters I am wanting to play with as one I have earned through shard collecting is Kylo Ren.


Image credit:  Kylo Ren

As seen here, Kylo Ren is earned through collecting many shards. He is ready to promote in this shot, and when you are ready to perform a task such as promotion, you will see a little red circle with a number in it. It is exciting to see those, for it means something in the way of an award, goodies or upgrade is available.

So far I have played as Kylo Ren, Rey, Old Obiwan, Anikan, and many others. Some of them are borrowed and others I earned. You can use data cards for many upgrades as well. You will find them on the board along with shipments and all the other departments that you must visit to level up amd access the other areas of the game for advancement.

When you enter a battle with your squad, you select strategically and build to be as powerful as possible,  you will notice how much collective power you have.


From my own experiance so far, I have learned that when you enter a battle with less than 8000 you will lose faster. It also depends on the level the other squad is on. My average for now is 44. After this is posted, it may be higher. To achive higher power per character you must train them. You can collect training droids for that purpose. You can train them up to the level you are currently on.  I adore the characters they are releasing for more options. One of the most difficult character to obtain is now General Grievous.

Galaxy Heroes

Like many of the other characters, you earn him by collecting 80 shards for activation. He has many strong abilities as his discription says. As all the other characters in the game, to reach the pinnicle of his power you need all seven stars. You earn those by collecting shards, too.

You have the option to upgrade everything in the game by micro transactions, or you can wait and gather the needed items for your upgrades like crystals, shards, data cards etc. It may take a bit longer, but, I feel more of a sense of accomplishment when I wait.  Anyway, there is the option to spend or not to spend. It is entirely up to you. So, get the download and start playing this awesome game. I am jumping into the Falcon and off to explore the next article. Bye for now!






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